basic vocabulary

There are words that are used the most often in English: the most common words.  These should be part of the first words that you work to learn in English.  Officially “Basic English” is a simple specific set of rules and  850 word vocabularyClick here for some links to rules, words lists, and websites.

These very short word lists are helpful starters…

Sixteen verbs used in Basic English:

be • do • have • come • go • give • take • see •

seem • send • keep • make • say • let • get • put

Top 100 operative words:

come • get • give • go • keep • let • make • put •

seem • take • be • do • have • say • see • send •

may • will • about • across • after • against • among • at •

before • between • by • down • from • in • off • on • over •

through • to • under • up • with • as • for • of • till • than

a • the • all • any • every • little • much • no • other •

some • such • that • this • I • he • you • who • and • because •

but • or • if • though • while • how • when • where • why

again • ever • far • forward • here • near • now • out •

still • then • there • together • well • almost • enough • even •

not • only • quite • so • very • tomorrow • yesterday

north • south • east • west • please • yes

Randal’s Cyber Listening Lab Vocabulary

This website is fantastic for learning English!!

Here is a set of vocabulary lists from Randal’s website.  The links will take you to the site to see the list, study, and try a quiz.  Visit: to